Review: Farm by Elisha Cooper

Hardcover: 48 pages
Publisher: Orchard Books; 1 edition (April 1 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0545070759
ISBN-13: 978-0545070751
About the Book;
There is so much to look at and learn about on a farm--animals, tractors, crops, and barns. And children feeding animals for morning chores! With lyrical writing and beautiful illustrations that capture the rhythms of the changing seasons, Elisha Cooper brings the farm to life.
So for this week, I've recruited some guest reviewers to help me out here. First up is my nephew, Nolan. Nolan is 2 1/2 years old and is a big fan of all things truck and tractor. He knows the names of all the variations, so I thought he'd be the perfect one to help me with this book.
We start off here with all of the ingredients that go into making a farm: people, animals, silos, barns, etc. Then the book discusses how the farming season comes about, how weather affects planting, where the food goes when it's been harvested, and so on.
I asked Nolan for his favourite part and he kept taking me back to the page where the big rig was delivering the food to town. Then he turned his baby blues on me and said, "Auntie Jackie, could you buy me one of these?" I'm not sure if he meant a toy version or the real thing but he'll have to wait for his birthday :-)
This is a cute book that can be read to a child of this age who loves animals and farms (and trucks.) It's full of pictures that could very well be water colours. Nolan very much enjoyed Farm and I enjoyed reading it with him!
Happy Reading!
Jackie and Nolan
April 20, 2010 at 6:02 PM
perhaps your nephew would visit my young friend Ellie's blog and help to name her new pigs. There are three black ones all needing suitable and fun names.